Alcohol Moderation Management Values

There are a few things that you need to know before you commit yourself to alcohol moderation management. Moderation management is known for its 5 core values that help the patient keep on track and are also very important for complete recovery. The core values are as follows:

  • The patient himself is responsible for his recovery.
  • When you help others, you are also helping yourself. This is not true for only addiction treatment but as a general rule in life.
  • Strength can be seen when one person helps another. When people stand beside each other, they are undefeatable.
  • There are two basic recovery skills, and they are self-management and self-esteem. Without these, the road to recovery will be impossible.
  • While you are in recovery, it is important to show respect and dignity to others. This may include your medical staff or the patient admitted with you.

Steps in Alcohol Moderation Management

Change is the thing that will help you in getting your life back on track. The six steps of change in Alcohol Moderation Management are:

Keep a Journal

Start writing a journal, keep your drinking record here, and also write about the things that push you to grab a drink. This will help in self-reflection.

Moderation is the Key

Moderate drinking is allowed, but you need to keep your age and sex under consideration. The Moderation Management therapy group can help you in keeping a moderate routine.

Set Limit for Yourself

Conduct research and see what is the good drinking limit for you. This can be based on your own behavior or scientific research.


Ask yourself the question of what is that you want to gain from this Moderation Management therapy? Finding the answers will keep you motivated.


Practice a 30-day alcohol fast; this will help you in starting afresh and getting clarity. If you are an alcohol addict, this might not be for you. Alcohol detoxification should be practiced in controlled conditions.

Mindfulness towards Drinking

After the fast, resume drinking but set your own limits.

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What are the Expectations?

It is important to not go in with very high expectations. This is an outpatient procedure; you will attend sessions while going about your life. You can meet your group multiple times a week and share your experiences. The most important thing to learn during the procedure is self-control. Substance abuse therapy has one goal, and that is to bring awareness to the patient about his state. Once you are aware of your habits, only then will you try to control them. Some of the things that you can practice are:

  • Keeping the glass down in between conversations.
  • Diluting your drink ideally with water.
  • Counting the drinks that you consume.
We understand that getting help for addiction can be challenging. Start with a free addiction assessment today.

We understand that getting help for addiction can be challenging. Start with a free addiction assessment today.

Contact Elevate Recovery to Learn More About Our Alcohol Moderation Management Program in Massachusetts

Elevate Recovery is dedicated to providing innovative and personalized solutions for those seeking to regain control over their relationship with alcohol. Our alcohol moderation management program in Massachusetts offers evidence-based strategies and compassionate support to help you achieve your goals. If you or a loved one is ready to explore this empowering approach, we’re here to help. Contact us today at (877) 592-2102 to learn more and take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced life.